LIBREXP Date 10/12/96 Time 19:28:09 Recommended for both beginners and advanced users DATE_IN COMMENTS REVIEW RESERVED CUST_ID WITHDRAWN CASUAL CONTRACT INVC_PRTD RECP_PRTD STOCK_NO ActgII Accounting II Takundwa Yobe 1996102419961023 TTyobe FTTF 2 Actg_III Accounting II Takundwa Yobe 1996102419961023 TCyobe FTTFComedy 2 Actg_IVI Accounting II Takundwa Yobe 1996102419961023 TCyobe TFTFComedy 1 DOS Learn DOS The Easy Way McHill Publishers 1996102419961023 0000000001TCyobe FTFTFComedy 1 DOS_v6.0 Learn DOS The Easy Way McHill Publishers 19961015 19961014 TDMYobe FFTFFComedy 0 StatisticsStatistics for Managers Takundwa Yobe 19961016 19961015 TDyobe FFTFFComedy 1 TeachCompuTeach Yourself Computers Borland Publishing 19961015 19961014 TDMYobe FFTFFComedy 0 dBASE IV dBASE IV - Mastering Douglas Yobe 19961015 19961014 TDMYobe FFTFFComedy 0 URE TO &cOldProc stock_no ActgII dBASE IV STOCK_NO ActgII OC Actg_III Actg_IVI DOS < DOS_v6.0 Statistics TeachCompuE_ dBASE IV TH DUE_BACK DATE_OUT ESERVED DATE_IN WITHDRAW COMMENTS REVIEW RESERVED IBRARY CUST_ID WITHDRAWN CASUAL CONTRACT INVC_PRTD RECP_PRTD LIBRARY TOPSELLING